Who are you, Charlotte Gabrielson?

Sicopa Consulting is one of the alliance’s ”broadest ” members. Sicopa offers a holistic perspective that, by breaking silo behaviors, helps to speed up the transition but also to increase the long-term profitability of the industry. A supply chain is often incredibly complex and difficult to understand, and it is not uncommon for different actors to oppose each other in practice, even though they should move in the same direction, simply because none of them sit with an overall picture.

We have met Charlotte Gabrielson, Managing Partner at Sicopa Consulting.

How did you get into the transport and logistics industry?

It was a pure coincidence really. I read economics in Växjö that offered a course in Supply Chain logistics. I knew early on that I wanted to work globally and with a breadth and opportunity to influence the ”whole” business, which a career in Supply Chain just offers. When I later started reading a Master’s program at Handels in Gothenburg, I thought ”Why not continue with a focus that not everyone reads?”, which became Transport Logistics Management. Thanks to my education and international studies, I was given the opportunity to start my career through IKEA’s international trainee program in the enchanting Älmhult.

How would you summarize Sicopa’s mission?

The demands on corporate supply chains have changed in recent years. The market’s expectations of sustainable and efficient solutions, new technologies, digitalisation and fast, safe and resilient solutions require completely new standards. Sicopa Consulting is driving this change and offers solutions for a smarter and more sustainable supply chain. Openness, collaboration and a holistic perspective are becoming increasingly important for every initiative to have the greatest possible impact.

What do you see as the biggest advantage of your membership in the Game Changing Alliance?

Through our membership in the Game Changing Alliance, we gain access to and can offer our customers a wider range of expertise and expertise in Supply Chain, logistics, transport and sustainability. We also see that we complement the alliance with our system perspective that goes ”across” other members’ slightly more focused perspectives. In a supply chain, a holistic perspective is a must and that is where we come in and can navigate between deep areas of expertise and broad issues and challenges.

What are the biggest obstacles to achieving a sustainable transport sector, you think?

It is, as you know, a conservative industry that it takes time to change. It is still in many cases more expensive to choose environmentally friendly alternatives, at least in the short term. It is still in many cases more expensive to choose environmentally friendly alternatives, at least in the short term. Our role is to help others raise their eyes and see a larger whole where sustainability leads to increased profitability.

What is a hobby you are passionate about outside working life?

I love skiing! It is the best holiday and energy boost together with friends and family.