
GCA Tech Talk – AI, logistik och entreprenörskap

Digital teknologi transformerar transportindustrin. Vilka trender ser vi just nu? Vad krävs för att lyckas? Hur transformerar AI och digitalisering logistikbranschen? Vilka teknologier kan användas för att maximera effektivitet, reducera kostnader och bidra till klimatomställningen? Vad krävs av en entreprenör för att lyckas? Den 1 april i Stockholm arrangerar Game Changing Alliance Tech Talks på temat AI, […]

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New member – QPQ Box

Welcome to the Game Changing Alliance as our first member outside Sweden! We have met with CEO of the Finnish company QPQ Box, Tom Svenfelt, to get to know them – and him – a bit better. Could you tell us a bit about who you are? QPQ Box is a company producing large parcel […]

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Welcome to Game Changing Summit 2024!

On December 3 we invite you to join us in Lidköping for the best event this side of Christmas. Our annual Winter event takes place at our HQ, the Game Changing Center in Lidköping and offers a full day of inspiration, networking and knowledge exchange. The backbone of the event is a conference where we […]

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Who are you, Charlotte Gabrielson?

Sicopa Consulting is one of the alliance’s ”broadest ” members. Sicopa offers a holistic perspective that, by breaking silo behaviors, helps to speed up the transition but also to increase the long-term profitability of the industry. We have met Charlotte Gabrielson, Managing Partner.

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Who are you Per Olof Arnäs?

Vår generalsekreterare har bakgrund inom transport, logistik, digitalisering och hållbarhet, både från näringslivet och från akademin. Dessutom gör han egen pizza.

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