For a long-term sustainable transportation and logistics system

We are Game Changing Alliance

The companies in the alliance stand united behind the vision of an upgraded transport and logistics system by working with smart energy systems, new business models and the technology of the future. Our members are all experts and pioneers in their respective fields and contribute unique perspectives and inputs that, together with the others, create a whole that is significantly greater than its parts.

Game changer

Digital platform that enables goods owners and logistics providers to communicate directly, without intermediaries, to create tailor-made, international transport solutions with a high degree of transparency and visibility.

Game changing enabler

Enable the use of AI to increase competitiveness and efficiency in your business. The solutions provide private non-shared AI resources, guaranteeing the performance and security of your confidential data and proprietary models.

Game changer

The complete platform for optimizing charging infrastructure and transport with electric vehicles in symbiosis with today’s vehicle technology. Highly efficient control of your heavy electric vehicle fleet with intelligent route planning and seamless charge management at the right price and availability.

Game changing enabler

Experts in the new era’s sustainable energy solutions with a focus on solar energy and battery storage. Enables the transport industry to have the right energy in the right place and at the right price through the preparation and establishment of energy facilities.

Game changing enabler

Technology, software and cloud specialists who create and build turnkey products or specially developed programs, services and integrationswpml_nbspto support the transition towards a more sustainable and resilient future.

Game changer

The Nordic region’s leading company in the development, management and operational operation of transport and distribution platforms. Through a unique business model, system platform and a high degree of digitization, unnecessary intermediaries are removed to significantly increase efficiency and visibility.

Game changer

LBC Frakt is a comprehensive transport and machinery company headquartered in Karlstad, serving customers nationwide. With 50 affiliated haulage companies and over 350 employees, they offer everything from construction and civil engineering transportation to freight traffic and snow removal.
We are well on our way to fossil-free transportation.

Game changer

Producer of large parcel lockers for big packages. Suitable for furniture, bikes or other machines. Taking the parcel box concept to a new level. Big parcel box can also function as a city hub for a more sustainable city distribution.

Game changer

Competence center that offers highly qualified expertise in long-term sustainable supply chain. Experienced specialist consultants with a common holistic belief in a resilient and sustainable future.

Game changer

The driver’s digital companion, the opportunity to use unused facilities through new technology with a circular economic model. Social sustainability is a key for a resilient supply chain – Truck Trust contributes to the conditions for a long-term sustainable transport industry.

We are expanding

Are you interested in joining the Game Changing Alliance, either as a Game Changer or a Game Changing Enabler? Contact us!

We are expanding

Are you interested in joining the Game Changing Alliance, either as a Game Changer or a Game Changing Enabler? Contact us!

We are expanding

Are you interested in joining the Game Changing Alliance, either as a Game Changer or a Game Changing Enabler? Contact us!

We are expanding

Are you interested in joining the Game Changing Alliance, either as a Game Changer or a Game Changing Enabler? Contact us!

We are expanding

Are you interested in joining the Game Changing Alliance, either as a Game Changer or a Game Changing Enabler? Contact us!

GCA Tech Talk – AI, logistik och entreprenörskap

Digital teknologi transformerar transportindustrin. Vilka trender ser vi just nu? Vad krävs för att lyckas? Hur transformerar AI och digitalisering logistikbranschen? Vilka teknologier kan användas för att maximera effektivitet, reducera kostnader och bidra till klimatomställningen? Vad krävs av en entreprenör för att lyckas? Den 1 april i Stockholm arrangerar Game Changing Alliance Tech Talks på temat AI, […]

Läs mer
New member – QPQ Box
Welcome to Game Changing Summit 2024!
Who are you, Charlotte Gabrielson?
Who are you Per Olof Arnäs?
Game Changing Alliance accelerates the transition in the transport and logistics industry
Låt de som vill springa göra det – hur kan hållbarhetsomställningen i logistiksystemet accelereras?
Hur kan AI revolutionera logistik – är vi redo för det största tekniksprånget hittills?

We want to meet with you

We believe that open dialogue, debate and transparent sharing of knowledge are necesssary components when accelerating the transition. So be sure to visit ut at one of our events and follow us online.

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